

Topics : Hack the box rooms

Tire 0#

Meow The lab focus on the basic use of Telnet. alt text

Fawn The lab focus on the basic use of FTP(file transfer protocal). alt text

Dancing The lab focus on the basic use of Server message block. Moreover using SMB we can access files at a remote server.

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Redeemer The lab foucs on the learning some basic redis-cli command to interact with the redis service.

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Tire 1#

Appointment The lab will help us to perform an SQL injection against an SQL database enabled web application.

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Sequel The lab will help us to gain the access to all the database and table. alt text

Crocodile The lab will help us exploit an FTP service that allows anonymous logins and break into the administrative panel of a webpage.

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Responder The lab focus on how a file inclusion vulnerablity on a webpage being served on a NTLM.

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